Handlebars supports simple paths, just like Mustache.
Handlebars also supports nested paths, making it possible
to look up properties nested below the current context.
<div class="entry"> <h1>{{title}}</h1> <h2>By {{author.name}}</h2> <div class="body"> {{body}} </div> </div>
That template works with this context
var context = { title: "My First Blog Post!", author: { id: 47, name: "Yehuda Katz" }, body: "My first post. Wheeeee!" };
This makes it possible to use Handlebars templates with
more raw JSON objects.
Nested handlebars paths can also include
which evaluate their paths against a parent context.
<h1>Comments</h1> <div id="comments"> {{#each comments}} <h2><a href="/posts/{{../permalink}}#{{id}}">{{title}}</a></h2> <div>{{body}}</div> {{/each}} </div>
Even though the link is printed while in the context of a comment,
it can still go back to the main context (the post) to retrieve
its permalink.
The exact value that
will resolve to varies based on the helper that is calling the block. Using ../
is only necessary when context changes, so children of helpers such as each
would require the use of ../
while children of helpers such as if
do not.
{{permalink}} {{#each comments}} {{../permalink}} {{#if title}} {{../permalink}} {{/if}} {{/each}}
In this example all of the above reference the same
value even though they are located within different blocks. This behavior is new as of Handlebars 4, the release notes discuss the prior behavior as well as the migration plan.
Handlebars also allows for name conflict resolution between helpers and
data fields via a
<p>{{./name}} or {{this/name}} or {{this.name}}</p>
Any of the above would cause the
field on the
current context to be used rather than a helper of the same name.